What Is Raw Wedding Video?

behind the scenes of wedding shoot

What is Raw Wedding Video?

In today’s digital world, sharing content and media has become somewhat easier. When I first started shooting weddings, we delivered them on standard definition DVDs. There was a 2-hour maximum and that was that. 

Now, between high speed internet, flash drives, and cloud storage sharing ALL the content is easy. The question is, do you really want it?

So What is It?

When talking photo or videos, the idea of “raw” images is pretty simple: it’s the untouched, unprocessed images that we recorded images.

The problem is, the shot you see in your wedding video, is the third take, or we were focusing while recording, or trying a shot to see if it will work. Or, something I do, you let the camera record long when you know something is about to happen. So there are 5 minutes of nothing, to capture an important 30 seconds.

But I Want to See Everything I Missed!

No, you don’t. Trust me. What you’re looking for is a behind-the-scenes cut of the wedding day. Jokes told while getting ready, the antics at the hair salon, shotgunning beers in the limo on the way to reception and so on. That, that’s all well and good, but needs to be a conversation with your wedding videographer. Capturing that and making sure to capture all the footage you saw in their portfolio can sometimes be tricky. It may require a second shooter, extra mics, or reevaluating how the day is shot. 

The reason we, at least here at Park, call it raw wedding video is that we’re not going to color correct or process all that extra footage. The price would go through the roof. We do, though, offer two packages where we’ll shoot a bit more footage and deliver these “raw” videos for you. This way you get you edited and stylized wedding video and highlight. Plus a bit of “raw” wedding video or behind-the-scenes so that you can relive all your day!